Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Just what Ron Paul has been saying all along.  We shouldn't entangle ourselves in foreign politics.  Our fearless leader, remember he sent airplanes to bomb Libya, sent us into war without congressional approval. After Ghadaffi was ousted, the Al-Caeda was allowed to set up government.

There is no excuse now why this had to happen.  Let the tap dancing begin Mr. President.  It was your idea to do this to Libya.  The country was doing so fine with it's own dictator that really wasn't doing anything else but trying to get Africa out of the Third World misery that it was in.  The Bankers couldn't have that.

So here it is.  Blowback.  Shouldn't we finally quit and leave the Middle East?  Let them get themselves under control.  Oh yeh, did I mention that Obama is also going to give Egypt $1 Billion dollars of our taxes to help the Moslem Brotherhood to help prop up their government?  No, it's true.

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