Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's so tiring to see the protests in the Middle East

The protest in the Middle East is 100% the fault of the Obama Administration.  If he would have kept us out of the Arab Spring uprisings, then the deaths of the Embassy employees may have never have happened.  Of course, given that there was more then 48hrs warning that people were going to storm the gates, it is hard to take the word of the President anymore.

Our government has been turned upside down.  The people of this Nation has stopped following the role of the government and stopped asking questions.  What happened to the character of the American people?  Why have they been so dumbed down and intimidated to keep quiet and to allow them to do this?

If it is the question of protection, the obvious answer to that is the government's role as protector has been changed to view the US Citizens and possible terrorists now.  But looking at each person as they were terrorist doesn't make it safe at all.  It only leads the government into gaining more and more power, thus weakening the rights of the Citizens.

The power of the US Government originates from the people of the States.  The State can be looked at as individual countries.  They are each sovereign.  That means that they are treated as functioning nations with Rights can that not be crossed.  Each citizen state also inherits it's rights from the people.  Each elected official is chosen by the people of the State to represent them in that State.  

Here is were the change to what the founding fathers originally wanted.  The State's legislature would elect people to represent them in the House and Senate.  If those person's were not representing them in the capacity they were elected for, they would recall them and replace them.

Today the people of the State would elect those officials, not the Legislature.   This change is important because now the role of State Representative falls under the people.  The right of voting for the representatives should have stayed in the power of the Legislature.   Now it has become a popularity contest, and most of the time people do not even know who they are casting their vote for.  Also, those person elected stay there.  Even if they openly make a mistake (which is most of the time, and with them making money off it), they continue to hold that appointed office.  The States still have the power to do recalls, but that is hardly ever done.  I don't know what draws the line for recalls, but this needs to be done more often then usual now.

Because these persons are allowed to hold those offices for as many terms as they can run, this allows them to create a strong sense of ownership.  They will have connections within the government to get things done, whether for the people or not.  This ability to circumvent the process is dangerous and needs to be changed. In order to do that, term limits should be enacted and voted in place.  Therefore, close associations will remain for the State they are representing instead of for the Lobbyists that attempt to earn their vote with rewards, or even bribery.

The Congress today is so hated by the people that the popularity rating for this Congress is below 9%.  We need to to make changes so that the people do not have the right to vote for just anyone, but to allow the people that we have already voted for to elect them instead.  Also, with that, allow those elected officials to recall them if those people are not acting in the interest of the people of his/her state.

That is my opinion.  Let's try to take things back to when it did work.  Not make more laws for laws that don't make sense.


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