Wednesday, September 12, 2012

TSA...ugh. They all just need to go somewhere and pat each other down and leave us alone.

I've been making a big deal about the TSA and how they are slowly making the sheep fearful and obedient.  They are acting like they can do whatever they want.  But this is only getting people more scared of them then of the terrorist.

How has it come to this?  Since 9/11, we have been beaten into our heads, through the bought and paid for propaganda machine called the Mainstream Media, that the terrorists are right around the corner.  "They might get you",  "Watch out for OBL!",  "You don't know what he'd do", oh woes is me.  What ever can I do?  Someone protect us!!   People, please don't be fool.

How can a nation such as ours have been cowed so easily?  We have been duped into thinking that our loving government is there to keep us safe, to protect us from the bogeyman.  Later we find out that they are now considering it's own Citizens to now be the terrorist.

According to the MIAC Report, it states that the average person who is part of the militia and has political leanings to a third party are possible terrorists.  There is no mention of Muslims.  So is this the reason why the TSA is cracking down on every single citizen that walks up to them?  Man, woman, elderly, child, and handicapped are all systematically searched.

What bothers me is that the majority of the population remain silent about this.  They think that if they say something that they will miss their flight.  I really think that your Fourth Amendment is more important however, so if you have to miss that flight, do it for a good reason.  Don't you bow down to them like they are your masters.  They are only security guards with no police powers.  Don't let them bully you.

Then you hear the stories that come out.  They only target beautiful women.  They grope them and even insert their fingers inside them.  Even politicians are given a hard time.  Look what they did to Rand Paul!

So let's all give this a thought.  If the TSA is here to help us, then why are they treating so many normal Americans like criminals?  The reason is that there is no bogeyman.  This is all a design to make you conform.  Pavlov's research on conditioning is being done on YOU.  You are the dog that needs to be conditioned.  You will see the TSA here at the airport and then you will let them search you.  But in order for them to do that, you have to give up your Fourth Amendment rights.  Otherwise, you will not get on the airplane for your vacation, business, trip, or homeward bound.  So you get it?

It's conditioning.  TSA. Search you.  Board the plane.  Yay you are flying!  There is your reward, how do you like them apples?  But don't you feel like you've just got something important taken away from you?  Your pride, perhaps?  Do you like watching your wife get felt up?  Your children getting groped?  That's right, get mad.

The government wants you to think that it is normal for people to just search you without a warrant.  Everyday you see the signs that this nation is slowly turning into a police state.  More intrusions on your property, on your person, on your speech. They will keep doing this to us until we start to stand up for our rights and just say "NO!".   We just have to say "NO!" and in large numbers.  They will back off.  Our children are watching all of this and they will never know how it feels to be treated like a person instead of an animal.   After all, this is the norm in the Public School system now.  Remember those lockers?  Well numerous schools do not permit the students to use them anymore.  They have to drag around their books everywhere.  Some schools also have metal detectors, even surprise inspections with drug sniffing dogs.  This sounds more like a criminal institution then a school system.  But there it is again.  Conditioning.  Our children are already being conditioned right under your noses, and your silence is acceptance.

Let's start to speak up about our rights and not keep silent.  Sometimes its good to rock the boat.  Open your mind and be free.  Once you get past the idea that speaking up is not a bad thing, but a good thing, you'll feel so much better about yourself.  Freedom of Speech is what is protected in our Bill of Rights!  Don't let that go to waste.  That is right, I want you to take the Red Pill.  We all should.

Home of the Fearful and the Willingly enslaved...
-  Linda West,

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