Sunday, September 30, 2012

Information Overload!!

Wow!  So much going on and so less time to give the information out there.  Right now I want to concentrate on the falling power of the dollar.

I've been noticing all over my area that price falling on certain commodities.   QE3 have seem to work, but I don't know how long that will continue.  For one thing, the other two Quantitative Easy programs didn't do a damn thing to help out the middle and lower classes.  It only help out the top.

Also, this last QE has been nick named Quantitative Eternity, because they are going to continue to print money until the economy stabilizes.   This won't take long.  I mean the program will do no good and that it will not take long for the dollar to breath its last.  I predict that we'll start to see commodity prices increase in 4-5 months.

I hope you guys are ready.  Start to prepare yourselves.

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