Saturday, October 6, 2012

Real food or is it Frankenfood?

Wholefoods has alot to explain to the public.  Now for those that are into eating organic.  You have to ask yourself now, when you look at that bowl of nice fruits and a plate of veggies,"Is this real food, or is it Frankenfood?".

Take a look at this article on Infowars.

The whole thing is that the people want to know if the food products they are selling are real or GMO made.  The company that is trying to fight the advertising of GMO food is Monsanto.  They are fighting not to label if food that you see on the shelf is GMO.  Now why would a company want to do that?  Is it because they will lose  millions or billions of dollars if people had a choice between good real food or genetically modified organism made food?  I guess you know what the average people would choose.  But if you were not aware of GMO foods, and fooling them that GMO is good for you, wouldn't you feel that they are not in your best interest health-wise?

Also, Monsanto has been making all sorts of GMO foods.  From corn that has it's own insecticides, which you turn around to feed to your children, to Roundup that will render the soil infertile to grow in.  Such a loving company, huh?

Here's another interesting tidbit of information.  The cafeteria that the worker eat in, only sells organic food to it's workers.  The workers had will no work in an environment that will feed them GMO products in Monsanto's cafeteria.

So there you have it.  From the same people that brought you Agent Orange in Vietnam, are now trying to pass their foods as wholesome and nutritious, but the employees don't want to eat it.

The next time to shop in a Wholefoods, ask yourself if this is Real organic food, or Frankenfood.  I mean, you don't want to end up looking like those rats in the picture above?

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